My day job is as a Macintosh IT consultant, but my obsession is Japanese pop culture. This blog’s primary focus is on the TV shows, movies, games, music and other media that come out of the Land of the Rising Sun. I’ve been absorbing Japanese pop culture since 1999, and now some of that accumulated knowledge and bitter curmudgeony will be reflected back onto the Internet.

One Response to “About”

  1. Hey there! I’m the publisher of a growing cult entertainment portal, and I noted with interest your Zyuranger VS MMPR blog posts from last year. I have two questions for you:

    #1 Is there any chance the Zyuranger torrent you found is still active, as I’m trying to source decent fansubs as a the basis for an article to be published later this year? It’s a long shot, but you help would be very much appreciated!

    #2 Could we interest you in writing for us? We could do with a few more anime/manga/sentai/HK cinema journalists!

    Feel free to contact me on the email address above. it would be great to hear from you!



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